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What If Heart Up My Sleeves Had a Referral Program?
The hypothetical scenario of what would happen if the popular online clothing retailer, Heart Up My Sleeves, implemented a referral program.
Priya Singh
Feb 17, 20235 min read

How ACAI Outdoorwear Referral Program Led to 6.4% Revenue Growth
Growing up, my career choices changed at a lightning speed, just like most of us. One moment, I would want to be a singer, the next an...
Priya Singh
Jan 6, 20235 min read

Is The Whole Truth Referral Program Wholesome?
“What I shall state shall be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.” Guess which brand took this oath literally? The Whole...
Priya Singh
Jan 2, 20234 min read

5 Things You Should Know While Building A Shopify Referral Program
Hey Champion! Yes, I’m talking to you and you should know that you’re indeed a champion. Wondering why? I’d rather say, why not? From...
Priya Singh
Dec 21, 20224 min read

Why a Referral Program for Your E-commerce Store Is a Must
The cursor was blinking, the page was blank and so was my mind. It was a chilling morning in the 2018 winter and I was looking at a Canva...
Priya Singh
Dec 15, 20225 min read
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